Becky Kopitzke
Founder and CEO
Becky is the author of four traditionally published books including Love Because; The Cranky Mom Fix; The SuperMom Myth; and the upcoming 100 Moments With God for Kids devotional from Our Daily Bread. She is one of four original founders of Ministry to Business, the precursor to The Inspired Business, which is Becky's hub for all things digital products coaching.
Becky is a proud grammar geek, book nerd, marketing buff and natural encourager. As a pro writing coach, editor, veteran blogger and freelance copywriter, Becky possesses a full spectrum of knowledge spanning both sides of the publishing and digital commerce industry. She is passionate about working with writers and other creative entrepreneurs at all levels to help them strengthen their skills, build and serve a grateful audience, and generate recurring income from their efforts.
Becky and her husband Chad live the blessed life from home offices in northeast Wisconsin, where they share precious space with their two daughters, tables stacked with homework, and two devoted office dogs.
Beyond work and family, Becky's second home is her church, where she leads women’s Bible studies, sings on the worship team, and is a regularly featured speaker for special events. She's a fan girl for matcha lattes, family game night, and pretty much anything chocolate.
Find her writing online at beckykopitzke.com.

Heidi Maranell