How to Turn Your Email Subscribers Into Paying Customers (Email Marketing Series Part 3)
Jan 09, 2023
We’ve all been told that email marketing is critical to succeeding in online sales. Yet having a huge email list will do nothing to grow your business if you don’t know how to turn those email subscribers into buyers.
So how in the world do we actually accomplish that?
With fairy dust, of course.
Because email marketing is magic. Nobody actually knows how it works.
Uhhh… move over Tinkerbell. There actually is a method behind the magic, and it’s not so magic after all. It’s just smart.
In today’s episode of The Inspired Business Podcast, we’re wrapping up a three-part series on email marketing by exploring how to get your subscribers to take interest in your products and convert to paying customers. You’ll hear about some simple steps to follow that anyone can implement right away.
And then? I’m pulling back the curtain on my insider’s secret to gaining customers on autopilot through email marketing. It’s the one key strategy I’ve implemented over the last two years that has made the difference between crickets and recurring sales… without requiring me to do a thing besides watch the PayPal notifications roll in.
Learn all about it in today’s episode HERE.
Wondering HOW to go about choosing, creating, and selling a digital product?
Check out my free masterclass:
How to Create and Sell Digital Products (without feeling stupid, salesy, or sacrilegious).